Wireshark color codes meaning
Wireshark color codes meaning


Perhaps not as privileged to be driving an Italian sports car, but able to enjoy blazing fast wireless connectivity links. Today many people find themselves in that kind of situation. However, what good would that red Ferrari convertible be on the heavily congested streets of a large metropolitan area, with mostly stop-and-go traffic? That kind of design would certainly make for an exhilarating – though significantly shorter – daily commute to the office. The Ferrari designers considered many details of the engine, body and interior to make this vehicle a daily driver, while delivering the most precise handling, fluid motion, and performance at breakneck speeds. Keeping the foot on the accelerator will propel this engineering marvel to its top speed of 315 Km/h (196 mph). This sleek sports car has a 3.9 liter turbocharged V8 engine capable of generating more than 412 KW (553 Horsepower), good for smashing zero to 100 Km/h (0 to 62 mph) in 3.6 seconds. Wireshark is the most effective tool that helps people in finding and fixing of all type of network errors and data traffic disruptions.In 2015 the iconic car manufacturer, Ferrari, released a new version of its entry-level model: the Ferrari California T. Right-click on one of any details from the menu select Apply as Filter drop-down menu so filter based on it can be created. If you want you may also create filter from here. You need to select the specific packet to view its details. You can read more about filter expressions from Wireshark’s official documentation. You can compare values in packets as well as combine expressions into more specific expressions.

wireshark color codes meaning

Wireshark provides a simple but powerful display filter language that allows you to build quite complex filter expressions. They allow you to select packets by protocol, fields, value of the fields, comparison between fields and more. Display filters allow you to focus on the packets you are interested in while hiding the currently uninteresting ones. Wireshark has two filtering languages, one is used while capturing packets and another one is used while displaying packets. You can save your own captures to access them later by clicking on file and then save it. Your own captured data can be viewed in Wireshark. Browse for the downloaded file and select to open it. If you don’t have any network to inspect you can pick any sample from Wireshark wiki to start data capturing, you can load the file by clicking on it and then open in Wireshark. Coloring rules can also be customized and modified. To view the description of color codes, click view and go to Coloring Rules.

wireshark color codes meaning

Black color identifies packets with errors – example they could have been delivered out of order.You can easily identify data packets in network traffic. This colorization functionality helps to distinguish between different packet types based on their individual shade. Toolbar: Click on the red stop button, located next to the shark fin on the Wireshark toolbar.You may stop this process using any of the following steps. The live capture process will start, all the recorded data will be displayed in the Wireshark window. Toolbar: Click on the blue shark fin button, located on the far left-hand side of the Wireshark toolbar.Mouse: To start capturing packets from one specific network, simply double-click on its name.You may also begin packet capturing using any of the following shortcuts. You can start data capturing by double-clicking on the name of the network from interface.


When you first launch Wireshark, one screen will appear containing a list of available network connections with an EKG-style line graph that represents live traffic on that respective network on your current device such as Bluetooth Network Connection, Ethernet, Virtual Box Host-Only Network and Wi-Fi. It is available in package repositories for Linux and other UNIX users.


You can download Wireshark at free of cost for both Windows and Mac from their official website. Here, we will provide you some easy steps to Capture, Filter and Inspect data packets. It is mainly used by many commercial and non-profit enterprises, government agencies and educational institutions.

wireshark color codes meaning

It lets you see what is happening on your network at a deep level. It is the world’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer. Wireshark has different features such as filters, color coding, which help you to troubleshoot network problems as well as to develop and test software. A network packet analyzer helps to capture network packets and display that packet data as detailed as possible. Wireshark is a free and open source network packet analyzer and also known as Ethereal. World’s foremost and widely-used network protocol analyzer

Wireshark color codes meaning